  • Tuesday, 01 October 2024
How Much Legal Cannabis Is In California? It’s A State Secret.

How Much Legal Cannabis Is In California? It’s A State Secret.

The legal cannabis industry in California is big. As it should be: California is very big—more people live there than anywhere else in the United States—and California has the oldest and most well-established marijuana industry of any other state.


But how big? Nobody really knows, aside from certain state regulators and select elected officials.


For everyone else, data from California’s legal cannabis industry is a state secret. And that’s hurting the industry, experts said.


Though every other agricultural sector enjoys data on crops harvested and sold—and this informs decisions made by industry players—state law prohibits the Department of Cannabis Control from sharing this vital data, an agency spokesman confirmed. This leaves the rest of us to grope around in the dark and hazard guesses.


“We really don’t have numbers,” said Natalynne DeLapp, executive director of the Humboldt County Growers Alliance, which advocates for the state’s small outdoor farmers in that region.


This data gap makes cannabis unique among agricultural commodities like wine grapes, almonds, and milk. It makes it harder for entrepreneurs, bankers, and regulators when deciding how much cannabis to grow, how much money to invest and how much returns to expect, and how many cannabis businesses to license.


And there doesn’t appear to be any plans to release these still-secret cannabis numbers.


It’s not that there’s no data. It’s that what data is available is imprecise. According to tax information published by the state Department of Taxation and Finance, legal cannabis is at least a $5 billion industry in California. In the second quarter of 2021—the most recent data available—there was more than $1.3 billion recorded in “taxable sales.”


If those figures stay steady for four quarters, legal sales will exceed $5.2 billion.


We do have some idea as to what was sold, and how much—but only some.


Between July 2020 and July 2021, the 2020-2021 fiscal year, more than 11,501,212 ounces of cannabis flower and more than 11,586,026 ounces of cannabis leaves entered the market. Another 14,221,561 ounces of “fresh cannabis plant” entered the market. Added together, that’s all of the cannabis flower and cannabis trim that was eventually packaged and sold as grams or eighths, extracted into oil and processed into edibles, and extracted into other concentrates, according to industry observers.


So how much weed does California consume? That’s far less clear. The above is cannabis entering the wholesale system, not all sold at retail. Point-of-sale data isn’t available, and it’s unknown how much end product the above figures equate to.


According to DeLapp, “total demand” for cannabis flower could be 2.3 million pounds in the state. As per Daniel Sumner, a distinguished professor at the University of California, Davis where he directs the UC Davis Agricultural Issues Center, it could be closer to 1 million “pounds equivalent,” with the understanding that different end products like vape pens, edibles, and flower have similar source products.


In the meantime, the state secret of California’s cannabis industry is making things more difficult. Growers enter the market unsure what products are in demand, or already unsold. Lenders aren’t sure how big loans should be. There are some sales estimates, but those are put out by industry organizations—and so they really can’t be trusted, Sumner said.


California is also an outlier in this. Other states, including Washington and Oregon, have made their cannabis industry data public, even when it is granular or requires processing to be useful for industry observers or participants.


“I know what the price of peaches are every day, and certain parts of peaches,” Sumner said. “But we have none of that for cannabis.”


Some industries, like California’s wine growers, create that data themselves and then report it—going as far as to pay extra to have someone collect and process that data. Growers could do that—but that might not be as reliable as state data, which the state has spent as much as $100 million to collect.


A spokesman for the state Department of Cannabis Control says it’s simply state law that track-and-trace data can’t be publicly released. That may be the law, but that does not mean it’s good policy.


“I think a lot of people would be very interested in it and would like to get it,” Sumner said. “Industries are more efficient when you know something about the industry as a whole.”


“I don’t know why the state of California doesn’t make that more available.”


Chris Roberts 



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